Latest project news, bot update and just interesting notes
01 Apr 2022, 09:50 PayPal is working again!
Dear Customers! We are glad to inform you that we accept PAYPAL again. Thanks for being with us. Have a good day!
23 Sep 2017, 15:48 Small changes in Herald module
We made small changes in Herald module, now you can set militia logic:
- disabled - militia does not enlisted for all attacks
- always - bot enlist militia for each attack
- before CS - enlist militia only before CS
19 Sep 2017, 11:58 "Merchant" module update
We update "Merchant" module, main innovation - you can limit duration time for sending resource between cities. Limit applied for town-provider, if you don't want send resources to far cities - you can set limit for town-provider. For example, town1 - provider; town2 (5 minutes), town3 (30 minutes), town4 (2 hours) - consumers, and you limit provider duration to 1 hour. "Merchant" will be sent resources only for town2 (5 minutes) and town3 (30 minutes)

By default, limit duration disabled (provider can send resources for each consumers, despite the travel time). If you want set limit - you can do it in "Info" tab for town

By default, limit duration disabled (provider can send resources for each consumers, despite the travel time). If you want set limit - you can do it in "Info" tab for town